Ushering Stress Hormones? Calm down with herbal remedies

Ask your neighbor how is life… you are likely to get fake smile and a nod for all good. But you could see there is no shine in his eyes. Do you really think he is happy and satisfied? Are you content in your own life? If you took more than 5 seconds to answer, you are actually not.

It may surprise you to know that you are not alone; in fact there are many celebrities who are facing their share of depression, stress and anxiety. Fighting out the odds of life sometimes become difficult for folks and they unknowingly get stuck into the marshland of uncontrolled emotions. Staying positive, motivated about life, together with consumption of herbal supplements for anxiety can help to a great extent.

Let this post unfold deeper aspects of stress and anxiety in modern lives. This is an important read for all of you since the alarming figures of people facing stress in America itself will persuade you to do so. There is quite a possibility that you seek help for yourself or your family/ friends.

Did you know panic attacks and intense anxiety cases have increased so much so that over 20 percent of Americans are struggling to lead a happy life?

Thanks to the internet stride, even people faking it all on celluloid dare to come in open and talk about it.  Famous American Actress, Kristen Stewart while talking to the interviewer of Elle UK disclosed her not so glamorous part of life. She said her hormones made her sick as she tried to overpower everything around her.

Clear Signs that you are dealing with overload of stress

Only post understanding your condition you can look for best solutions. This is why we have clearly, mentioned the marks of anxiety and stress. If you can relate to many or most of them, it is probably the best time to react.

·        Cognitive Symptoms encompass memory problems, constant worrying, poor judgment, racing thoughts and more.
·        Physical Symptoms include nausea, dizziness, aches and pains, frequent cold and flu, loss of sex drive etc.
·        Behavioral Symptoms like sleeping less or more, eating less or more, procrastinating important tasks, surrendering to alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs, developing nervous habits such as nail biting, tapping feet etc.
·        Emotional Symptoms include moodiness, irritability, general unhappiness, loneliness and isolation and more.

Herbal Aids & Remedies
It is true that hormones impact your mind to behave in a certain way rather misbehave. Doctors can suggest you drugs to treat your condition but their impact can vary from case to case. Moreover, they come with their own set of risks and side-effects. 

Banking upon natural supplements for anxiety and stress can be inducing happiness and contentment back in your life. Choose a herbal store of repute for ordering vitamins and minerals that cure your condition. The best concoctions will be able to bring back your life on track without having any health repercussions, neither short term nor long term. 

Refute synthetic and habit forming medicines and replace them with herbal products like valerian root, passion flower, licorice root, St. John’s wort, Ashwagandha and fish oil for fast and lasting recovery.

Final takeaway – Happiness comes from within. It is a habit that everyone should inculcate for leading a fulfilling life. Take struggles as temporary barriers and enjoy overcoming them.   
